Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Caravan Cultural of Light

What is it and how it works? For the citizen - for municipalities and Institutions for citizens

What is it? The Caravan of Light Cultural Collective is a tool of free distribution of knowledge. All persons involved do not spend anything and do not receive anything in terms of financial resources. We are practicing this proposal since 1990.

How many people travel?

An average of 30 to 40 people from different areas come together, voluntarily, to cross the inner cities and giving knowledge, exchange information, make some friends and to go beyond the city limits.

Happen when traveling?

The trips take place on weekends. We left Recife in a Friday evening between 18h and 21h depending of the city. We returned on Sunday after lunchtime.

Who can travel?

Anyone attuned to help, teach, share and exchange knowledge on all areas.

What is required to travel with the Caravan of Light Cultural?

Tell a proposal for a course or courses you would like to offer, indicating the minimum necessary material and a brief resume on the following model:

Name of your workshop: (one line)

What’s the propose to do your course: (max. three lines)

Your résumé, with complete home address for correspondence by ECT, telephones and e-mail.

Then the Caravan’s committee will examine your proposal for participation.

For Municipalities and Institutions:

The City Council who wants to receive the Caravan of Light Culture, what should you do?

Request by email: givanildo.amancio @ gmail.com

What is the cost with local governments and financial institutions Interested?

Zero. There is no financial cost. We charge no paychecks, no fees.

What is needed then?

-Public transportation (city's existing line or partners)

-Hosts (in classrooms)

Power-collective (in the school canteen)

-Educational materials (usually achieved with the City Department of Education and / or partners). However, having no material, we will seek to have teachers of theoretical courses and practical without material type dance, drama, choir, etc..

What are the chances of courses?

-Relaxation for teachers, coaches and officials (community at large as well)



-Computers (beginners / digital inclusion)

-Craft: Manufacture of paper flowers



-Introduction to Journalism


-Customization (turning old clothes into new ones)





-Art education




-Fine Arts

Organization-school alumni

Cultural Production

Youth and political consciousness-

-Music and the history of popular struggle

-Physics on a daily basis (physical sports, etc.)

-Space Sciences





Write your book-

-Photography - initiation

Managing your resources, and avoiding debt

-Development of Projects


-Environment and Ecology


Horta-school and community

Preventive health-

-Social Solidarity Organization


-Catholic Biblical Studies

Evangelical Bible-Study


-Psychology (Introduction)


-Pirofagia (swallow and spit fire)

-Sinhaninha (sewing fabric flowers)

-Introduction to Consumer Law, Civil and Constitutional Rights

Note: The existence of the course will depend on the settlement date of the Caravan trip to his home town, well in advance. Well, we know from the date of availability of people / professionals to travel.

To request the departure of the Caravan is only contactable by email:

givanildo.amancio @ gmail.com or by phone: (+55.81) 7812.4395 radio: 24,025 or 97 * 9294.0232

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